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What's Artificial Intelligence || From Basic To Advance

                                                              Introduction to artificial intelligence The science and engineering of making intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programs. – John Mc Carthy (AI name was coined by him at 1956). Artificial intelligence is an approach to make a computer, a robot, or a product to think how smart human think. AI is study of how human brain think, learn decide and work. And finally this study outputs intelligent software systems. The aim of AI to improve computer functions which are related to human knowledge, for e.g. reasoning, learning and problem solving. Turing test for artificial intelligence The Turing test was developed by Allan Turing (computer scientist) in 1950. Turing test is used to determine whether or not computer machine can think intelligently like human? Imagine a game of three players having two humans and one computer, an interrogator (as human) is isolated from other two players. The in

Database Management System

DBMS:  The database  management system, is a generalized software system for manipulating databases. It is basically a computerized record-keeping software system; which stores information and allows users to add, delete, change, retrieve and update that information on demand. ADVANTAGE OF DBMS ARE 1. Minimal data redundancy 2. Program-data independence 3. Efficient data access 4. Improved data sharing 5. Improved data consistency 6. Improved data integrity 7. Improved security 8. Increased productivity of application development 9. Enforcement of standards 10. Economy of scale 11. Balance of conflicting requirement 12. Improved data accessibility and responsiveness DISADVANTAGES OF DBMS ARE 1. Increased complexity 2. Required of new specialized skilled manpower 3. The large  size of DBMS 4. Increased installation and management costs. 5. Need for explicit backup and recovery  DATA MODELS:  Data model is a mechanism that provides an ab

Block Diagram of Computer|| Basic Explanation

A typical computer system irrespective of its size, class or type consists of hardware and software, integrated and synchronized together to perform computational work or data processing. Computer anatomy is concerned with the way the various functional units operate and how they connected together to form the computer system. A computer system consists of the following functional units : 1)  Input unit 2) Memory/Storage unit 3) CPU(central processing unit) 4) Output unit

Components of Computer System

A system is defined as a set of interacting elements, responding to inputs so as to produce outputs. The computer system also consists of the following elements or components. Software Hardware Firmware Humanware   Software All the intangible components of the computer system are known as software In other words, we can say that all computer programs and applications run behind the monitor screen, are known as software. Computer software is a term that describes computer programs. Example   Microsoft-windows (all operating system software) and notepad, MS office suite, window media player(application software). Software is further divided into two parts these are following 1) system software 2) application software Hardware All tangible component of a computer system is known as hardware. In other words, computer hardware is the collection of physical parts of the computer system. Example  CPU(Microprocessor), monitor, keyboard, mouse, speaker, pr

What's the Difference between Data and Information || Very Basic || Everyone must know

DATA AND INFORMATION There is a little difference between data and information. Data are the facts or details from which information is derived. Data  Data comes from a singular Latin word "datum" which originally meant "something given." its early usage dates back to the 1600's. Over time data has become the plural of datum. information It is a processed form of data. In other words, when data is processed, organized, structured and useful. For e.g. 32 is data and age 32 is information. Which means information is understandable form.

Computer Registers

Computer  registers are  very fast computer memory type, used to store data/instruction. A computer  Register  is a group of flip-flops with each flip-flop capable of storing  one bit  of information. An  n-bit  register has a group of  n flip-flops  and is capable of storing binary information of  n-bits . A register consists of a group of flip-flops and gates. The flip-flops hold the binary information and gates control when and how new information is transferred into a register. Various types of registers are available commercially. The simplest register is one that consists of only flip-flops with no external gates. Following are some commonly used registers: Accumulator : This is the most common register, used to store data taken out from the memory. General Purpose Registers : This is used to store data intermediate results during program execution. It can be accessed via assembly programming. Special Purpose Registers : Users do not access these registers. These registers a

Applications Of Computers || Basic Guide

The computer has applications in almost every aspect of life. Some of the important ones are: Business Banking Insurance Education Marketing Healthcare Engineering design Defense Communication Governments Medicine Entertainment Home Sports Business A computer has a high speed of calculation, diligence, accuracy, reliability, or versatility which has made it an integrated part in all business organizations. The computer is used in business organizations for − Payroll calculations Budgeting Sales analysis Financial forecasting Managing employee database Maintenance of stocks, etc. Banking Today, banking is almost totally dependent on computers. Banks provide the following facilities − Online accounting facility, which includes checking current balance, making deposits and overdrafts, checking interest charges, shares, and trustee records. ATM machines that are completely automated are making it even easier for customers to deal with ban