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What's Artificial Intelligence || From Basic To Advance


                                Introduction to artificial intelligence

The science and engineering of making intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programs. – John Mc Carthy (AI name was coined by him at 1956).
Artificial intelligence is an approach to make a computer, a robot, or a product to think how smart human think. AI is study of how human brain think, learn decide and work. And finally this study outputs intelligent software systems. The aim of AI to improve computer functions which are related to human knowledge, for e.g. reasoning, learning and problem solving.

Turing test for artificial intelligence
The Turing test was developed by Allan Turing (computer scientist) in 1950. Turing test is used to determine whether or not computer machine can think intelligently like human? Imagine a game of three players having two humans and one computer, an interrogator (as human) is isolated from other two players. The interrogator job is to try and figure out which one is human by asking questions from both of them. The interrogator is limited to using the responses to written questions to make the determination.
If interrogator wouldn’t be able to distinguish the answers provided by both human and computer then the computer passes the test and machine (computer) is consider as intelligent as human.

Variations and alternatives to the turing test

Reverse turing test: Where a human tries to convince a computer that it is not a computer. An e.g. of this is CAPTCHA.

Total turing test: Where the questioner can also test perceptual abilities as well as the ability to manipulate objects.

Minimum intelligence test: Where only true false and yes no questions are given.

    Alternatives to turing test were later developed because many see the turing test to be flawed. These alternatives include test such as :

    1.    The marcus test: In this a program which can watch a television show is tested by being asked meaningful questions about the shows content.

    2.    The lovelace test 2.0: Which is a test made to detect AI through examining its ability to create art.

    3.    Winogard schema challenge: Which is a test that asks multiple choice questions in a specific        format.

    A computer program called Eugene Goostman, which simulate a 13 year old Ukarianian boy, is said to have passed the turing test at an event organized by the university of reading.


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