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Computer Related Acronyms|| Everyone Should Know||

 If you are looking for the most important general computer science acronyms short forms you are in the right place. Here we have mentioned some popular full forms you must know. These are also important from a competitive examination point of view.

computer acronyms

Computer Hardware Related Acronyms

Short Form          Full Form

AMD         Advanced Micro Devices

ATA           Advanced Technology Attachment

ATX         Advanced Technology Extended

CD           Compact Disc

CD-ROM Compact Disc-Read-Only Memory

CD-RW         Compact Disc-Rewritable

CPU         Central Processing Unit

DVD         Digital Versatile Disc

DVD-ROM Digital Video Disc-Random Access Memory

DVD-ROM Digital Video Disc-Read Only Memory

DVD-R         Digital Video Disc-Recordable

DVD-RW Digital Video Disc-Rewritable

DDR         Double Data-Rate

DDR RAM Double Data-Rate Random Access Memory

FDD         Floppy Disk Drive

HDD         Hard Disk Drive

HDMI         High Definition Media Interface

IDE           Integrated Drive Electronics

LCD          Liquid Crystal Display

LED          Light Emitting Diode

RAM          Random Access Memory

ROM          Read-Only Memory

HDD          Hard Disk Drive

FDD          Floppy Disk Drive

PCI                  Peripheral Component Interconnect

SSD                  Solid State Disk

SMPS          Switch Mode Power Supply

USB         Universal Serial Bus

VGA         Video Graphics Array

VRAM         Video Random Access Memory

Networking Related Acronyms

2G        2nd generation of mobile phone standards and technology

3G        3rd generation of mobile phone standards and technology

4G        4th generation of mobile phone standards and technology

FTP        File Transfer Protocol

GPRS General Packet Radio System

GSM Global System For Mobile Communications

IMAP Internet Message Access Protocol

LAN Local Area Network

IP         Internet Protocol

IPCONFIG Internet Protocol Configuration

MAC Media Access Control

MAN Metropolitan Area Network

POP         Post Office Protocol

POP3 Post Office Protocol 3

PPP         Point-To-Point Protocol

PPTP Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol

NetBIOS Networked Basic Input Output System

NetBEUI Networked Basic Input/Output System Extended User Interface

SMTP Simple Mail Transport Protocol

VPN Virtual Private Network

WAN Wide Area Network

WAP Wireless Application Protocol

WIFI Wireless Fidelity

WLAN Wireless Local Area Network

Internal Computer Related Acronyms

API         Application Programming Interfaces

BIOS Basic Input/Output System

CMOS Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor

DNS Domain Name Service Or Domain Name Server

DPI         Dots Per Inch

DVI         Digital Visual Interface

FAT         File Allocation Table

FAT12 12-Bit File Allocation Table

FAT16 16-Bit File Allocation Table

FAT32 32-Bit File Allocation Table

FPS         Frame Per Second

EMI         Electromagnetic Interference

GB  Gigabyte

GBps Gigabytes per second or Gigabits per second

GHz Gigahertz

GUI   Graphical User Interface

I/O         Input & Output

Mbps MegaBytes Per second

KBps Kilo Bytes Per Second

KB         Kilobyte

MB    Megabyte

GB         Gigabyte

TB         Terabyte

4 Bits 1 Nibble

8 Bits 1 Byte

1024 Bytes 1 KiloByte ( KB )

1024 KB 1 MegaByte ( MB )

1024 MB 1 GigaByte ( GB )

1024 GB 1 TeraByte ( TB )

1024 TB 1 Peta Byte ( PB )

1024 PB 1 Exa Byte ( EB )

1024 EB 1 Zetta Byte ( ZB )

1024 ZB 1 Yotta Byte ( YB )

MHz Megahertz

MP3 Moving Picture Experts Group Layer 3 Audio

MPEG Moving Picture Experts Group

MSCONFIG Microsoft Configuration

NTFS New Technology File System

NTLDR New Technology Loader

OMR Optical Mark Recognition

RGB Red Green Blue



PC         Personal Computer

OS         Operating System

VDU Visible Display Unit

XGA Extended Graphics Array

ZIP         Zigzag Inline Package

Programing Languages-Related Acronyms 

HTML Hypertext Markup Language

HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol

HTTPS Hypertext Transfer Protocol Over Secure Sockets Layer

PHP         Hypertext Preprocessor

XML Extensible Markup Language

CSS         Cascading Style Sheets

SASS Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets

JS         JavaScript

AJAX Asynchronous JavaScript And XML

PERL Practical Extraction and Reporting Language

UI         User Interface

UX         User Experience

ASP         Active Server Pages


SQL Structured Query Language

NET Internet

WP         WordPress

WWW World Wide Web

Software Related Acronyms

Ps Photoshop

Ai Illustrator

Lr Lightroom

Be Behance

T Typekit

Au Adobe Audition

Br Bridge

Co Edge Code

FW Fireworks

Ic InCopy

Mu Adobe Muse

Bc Business Catalyst

In Edge Inspect

Fb Flash Builder

Id InDesign

Pl Prelude

Pr Premiere Pro

CC Creative Cloud

Rf Edge Reflow

Fl Flash Professional

P Prosite

Sc Adobe Scout

Wf Edge Web Fonts

Sg SpeedGrade

Ae After Effects

Dw Dreamweaver

Bd PhoneGap Build

St Story Plus

W Winword

X Excel

O Out


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